Intuition + Observation + Research + Analysis = Trend Forecast


As a trend forecaster, I lead with my instincts, relying on an innate ability to see beyond the noise and visualize cultural shifts. Can I see the future? Maybe not technically, but I do have an innate sense what’s bubbling up out there and uncanny ability to precede the zeitgeist.


Fascinated by our ever-changing culture, I’m an avid observer of the world around me. Whether on my daily walks around New York City or at home browsing the internet, I’m actively absorbing it all. I love learning and gain fresh perspectives firsthand through art shows, indie films, hot new books—the list is endless.


Once my intuition and observations have given me a starting point, I gather data, using consumer insights and online search data to support my hypotheses. From dissecting the trends on Google & Pinterest to consuming industry fashion reports (Lyst Index, SSENSE, and WGSN being personal favorites), I collect statistics measuring consumer behavior and take note of cultural drivers influencing the future of fashion.


The analysis phase involves a lot of self probing to better understand the data collected and what it means about our collective consciousness. These questions allow me to dive deeper and discover insights that I can then translate into actionable design and commerce strategies. ꧁Magic꧂