“A Dream Collapses”
She fell asleep and so she dreamt
Her mind got lost the more she went
Into the depths that we do keep
Beneath the sanity of sleep.
And soon she knew not how to break
The binding spell she could not wake!
At first she started with the dolls,
Pink poison pills that help one fall
Four leagues below all clarity —
Erase the mind and set it free.
What happens then one cannot claim
“No contest” to or try to blame
Outside forces for things she’s done
While she was lost below the sun.
If ever she wishes to awaken,
The blue pills are what must be taken,
To leave nightmarish state of fright
(Not be a creature of the night).
She takes them,
Starts up with a scream,
“They made me do it!”
(‘Twas just a dream).